Training resources for health, fitness, and longevity

7 Tips to Get Healthy and Happy

To get healthier and happier, start with YOU. 

1. Schedule a check up with your doctor.

Book an annual physical, get a baseline of where you are, and what you need to feel your best. For prevention, I also like to get my bloodwork done to make sure I am not too low or high in certain areas. If your doctor will not do this, find happiness with another doctor, or a functional medicine doctor.

2. Exercise your heart.

Your body will love you! Set aside 20-45 minutes a day for daily aerobic activity.

Walking is excellent fitness tool to get started. If you pick up the pace to break a sweat it is even better for your health. Recent studies are showing daily vigorous exercise of most any kind is key for weight loss and longevity. Walk like you have a purpose. Or as a well known doctor says, “walk like you have to be somewhere and are late.”

Running or biking is great too. Exercising to the point you break a sweat boost happy endorphins, and will warm up your colon, which helps vital nutrients you consume in food move through your body more effectively.

3. Exercise your muscles with strength training.

Hit the weights with basic moves to strengthen muscles at least 2 days a week. The benefits of strength training for both women and men are countless. And, it boosts those happy endorphins just as cardio does.

You will lean out and sculpt your body naturally (without getting bulky) to create the body you want. How does sculpted arms, sexy legs and a booty lift sound?  Think your hips are too big? Legs too skinny? Balance them out with a V-taper on your upper body. Lifting weights will also increase bone density, give you strength for all activities, boost calorie burn, and prevent injury and age related muscle atrophy.

4. Downshift and Breathe Fully

Stress is a major issue and ager in our society. Get in tune with your body and schedule breaks. Yoga, meditation, exercise, and deep breathing all produce a relaxation response in your mind and body that has been proven to have astounding benefits. And, anytime you feel tense throughout the day or at night, try deep belly breathing. And, if you believe in a higher power as I do, pray it up. God is vast, we are small.

5. Get connected. 

Without a doubt, we are made to connect. Lonely? Call a friend or family member, participate in Zoom calls, get together with friends again. Join a gym or church. Find free outdoor fitness groups like and who are active in their communities.

6. Eat clean. If you trend towards constipation, there is no joy in that! A clean diet, with lots of fiber, water, and vigorous bouts of walking or running can be natures best medicine.

7. Get your sleep. 7-8 hours a night. You, not your screen, are worth it. Your health, happiness and longevity depend on it.



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Want to work with Amy?

VirtualAthlete, LLC offers services that include running form coaching, walking form coaching, 1:1 coaching, group sessions, and speaking engagements. Don't hesitate to contact Amy for more information.

What people say...

Thanks Amy!  I have been working on it all week.  One of the biggest items that has helped me……… is how to run down hills!  My knees don’t hurt!!  I showed my husband last night because he was struggling Thursday when we did our massive hill run.  Enjoyed the class.”

~ Tara, Rock Hill, NC