Training resources for health, fitness, and longevity

Back, Knee or Hip Pain? Check Posture.

Does your back, knees, IT band or piriformis give you pain when you run?
If so, you may be depressed you can’t run, or run easily. Right? Been there.
It’s time to get back in the game.
First, let’s check your form.
I learned how to eliminate running injuries and related misery with good form.
We learn how to run short and long distance. To do speed-work and hills. To hydrate. To eat well. To supplement. But form? That must be an ancient secret for the Olympians.
Tip of the day. Start with better posture.
Look in a mirror or have someone videotape you standing.
Great posture is the foundation. We instructors spend a lot of time on posture!
Get tall. Imagine you are being pulled up by the crown of your head by a little angel. Take a breath.
Get aligned. Align your shoulders, arms and feet parallel.
Get relaxed: Drop those shoulders if tense. 🙂
Level pelvis.  Engage lower, stabilizing abdominals.
Now get outside for a walk with this grand new posture.
Have someone videotape you so you can see how you move more smoothly.
Feel better?  Keep walking. Faster you go get arms up to a right angle.
When ready….begin an easy run this way by falling gently forward.
Tall, aligned, engaged and relaxed.
Let me know how you do!
More tips to follow….
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Want to work with Amy?

VirtualAthlete, LLC offers services that include running form coaching, walking form coaching, 1:1 coaching, group sessions, and speaking engagements. Don't hesitate to contact Amy for more information.

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