Training resources for health, fitness, and longevity

Tone It Up

Want to work with Amy?

VirtualAthlete, LLC offers services that include running form coaching, walking form coaching, 1:1 coaching, group sessions, and speaking engagements. Don't hesitate to contact Amy for more information.

What people say...

“Thanks, Amy.  Seeing the video was really helpful. When I did my workout tonight, I really focused on keeping my stride much smaller and having my legs land right underneath my body and my arms going back instead of reaching forward. I went much slower, but it felt really good.  I ran 8 minutes, then walked 2 and repeated that 4 times, and for the first time ever, at the end of the running segments, instead of feeling like I was going to collapse, I felt like if I had needed to keep running, instead of walking, I could have done it.  That was amazing!”

~ Alison R. Charlotte, NC