Training resources for health, fitness, and longevity
Want to Get Healthier?

Want to Get Healthier? Start now. Paradise Awaits

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but instead will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

— Thomas Edison

Health = The state of being free from illness or injury.

Care = The provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something.

Are you caring for your health after all this Covid?  Now is a great time to focus on your health and get in the best shape for you.

Here is a fact.

We begin to lose balance, strength, cardio and bone density in our 30s. Some researchers believe the losses starts in our 20’s.

This early demise stunned me when I learned this in continuing education as a trainer in my earlier 30s. #Exerciseismedicine.

If you slack off with fitness and health and eat poorly early on… everything gets physically and mentally harder later.

Then by your 40’s stress, addictions, disease or diabesity can set in. As a result, health and happiness can be elusive no matter what drug, therapy or amount of money you have.

If this sounds like you or you are stuck in bad habits, forgive yourself for drifting, especially during the crazy Covidaze.

You may not know how fast this wind blows. No matter your age or fitness ability, you can get back on track. By putting your foot down to make a change today, you will counteract and slow the atrophy in your heart, mind and body tomorrow.

The right mindset, food, exercise, and community will forever change your life. Start today.

Want to Get Healthier? Make a commitment to start small and just do it.

Eat more veggies, drink more water exercise in some way everyday, and reach out to your tribe -your friends and family.

If you don’t have a tribe – even if you are an introvert – you need the connection for your health and longevity.

So, find a church or group based on your interests and join them.

You can also check out the fabulous and life changing free outdoor fitness groups around the USA (and some outside the US)  for fitness, friendships, accountability and more.



It time we all work harder to leave the trash and bad habits behind. Tell those nasty gremlins to kiss your sweet cheeks as you wave goodbye.

You my friend, are heading for a sunny destination in 2021.

Just imagine. Soon your slimmer belly,  sculpted legs, chest, abs and arms show you care for your body. You are sexy, strong, happy and remarkable.

Ready to get to this paradise? Book your ticket to get fit for the fall and 2021 Holidays.


Where and when to exercise?  Outdoors, inside a gym, hotel room or closet. Yes, I have done a workout in my closet and bathroom. Whatever works. Though, taking it outside has tons of bonus benefits. Start with 2 days of 20 mins cardio. 2 days of 10 mins of strength. 1 day yoga. Plan to do something every day.

Cardio: Plan to get outside for a 20 -30 minute walk, bike, run or walk-run today now or after work. The goal is to break a sweat and get your heart pumping and colon warm. Breathe in nature and breath out stress. Or pop in those earphones and listen to your fav heart pumping tunes or a podcast. Music gets you excited and moving faster. Repeat this daily for endorphin boosts.

Strength: Do some strength training tomorrow. It’s a great way to sculpt your body perfect (remember walking in paradise?)  Buy 5, 8 or 10 pound dumbbells you can use at home or work.  If you find it is too easy with 5 or 8 pounds, lift heavier weights. Ladies note: You will not bulk up. You will get leaner.

Do basic “functional” moves such as squats, push ups, dips, bicep curls and overhead presses. These are moves men and women do daily in many of our activities. Key is to maintain ability to do them with ease. Try 10 reps of each exercise. Then do 10 more. Add 10 more reps for 3 sets of 10.

Flexibility: Stretch after your cardio and strength sessions. Flexibility is essential especially as we work out. It prevents injury and us moving like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz.  Anyone remember Gumby? Thats not me. I am working to get more yoga in myself.  I hope you will too. #Gradualprogress

To sum it up:

  • Use it or lose it. We lose strength, cardio, flexibility, bone density and brain cells when we don’t move.  A new mindset and exercise is your ticket to stop the drift.
  • Envision Success. Why do you want this? Where will being fitter lead you?
  • Schedule it. Commit to get fit. Write in your calendar 20-30 minutes of cardio 2 days a week and 10+ mins of strength 2 days a week. (Idea: Keep weights under your desk to get it done at work). Grab a friend and try out a basic yoga class on the weekend.

Paradise is calling.

Get ready for the journey now.

Agree? Want to share your experience?
Want to work with Amy?

VirtualAthlete, LLC offers services that include running form coaching, walking form coaching, 1:1 coaching, group sessions, and speaking engagements. Don't hesitate to contact Amy for more information.

What people say...
“Hi Amy, Just a note to say thanks. My 11.5 run on Sunday went FAR better than last week’s 10 miler. While heat obviously had an impact last week, I cannot believe the difference in the my energy and my thoughts. You are spot on with it requires constant focus but then that repairs so many of the problems. I must have said “1-2-3″ thousands of times but went up the hills faster and finished at a 45 second per minute pace faster than the previous week and still felt good enough to take the family apple picking yesterday afternoon.  I plan on using this routinely now as I genuinely felt a significant difference.”
~ JH, Mount Holly, NC